The Selah Sighing:
After a passage of formation was complete with the Danes and Divergence clock-face set in Time around the Breakers and hub of Mirhs, the seasons began their tick-TOKing. A full revolution of extended time passed as each Dane (and a Breaker) was granted a moonth of Noontide prominence.
Chaos had her first baker’s dozen of playdates as the settling in of the Sun Keira and Moon Keira began to build in silent investments within the vaults of the Hoarde Mirh.
In quiet hallways, scrolls were scratched and filed on the shelves of the Lyber Mirh with the earliest scribings of hierstory. While gossy-rags of whispered conversations got tossed and jotted down like leaves drifting off their trees in autumn. These recollections of legends and tales piled around and fed flickering campfires. There, draughts of adventures and beery drinks were consumed with much laughter and revelry.
All was well upon Shell Island.
Each separate Isle of Shell Island, as Dane, Divergence, Breaker, or Mirh snuggled into the rocking waves of Eternal Love’s ocean arms that surrounded them all. The seas meandering through and crashing parties upon beaches, sent up cheers of joy meeting with the chorus cries of fowl, insect, fauna, even flora and wind harmonized together in this Music of Life.
Beats, rests, melodies, harmonies, and base notes all moved together in one fluid magick, sparkling every breath and staining every skin with sun or moon glow, whichever was adored by the gazer in kind.